New Season Clearing

What can we leave behind or let go of before we launch into the new year?

It’s a busy time! There is a lot to take in around the holidays… food, family, events, gifts, consuming, expectations…

But as the end of year approaches it’s a good time to start to consider what we need to remove from our busy lives before we move into the new year.

This is about emotional, physical and mental detoxification to help us amplify our vision and wellbeing in the next season. And yes, I’m slightly passionate about cleansing! It always feels so damn good.

Regarding seasons: I think of the year in 4 parts separated by solstice and equinox, these are the approximate dates as they vary from year to year:

December 21 – March 21

March 21 – June 21

June 21- September 21

September 21 – December 21

And then of course there is the New Year!

Your environmental season of course depends on where you are in the world. I’m in Australia, we are in the thick of summer now. My family in Canada is in winter and their climate and life looks a lot different than mine does right now in this season. 

And then there are the seasons of your life as you develop, grow, go through career changes or have children. In different times in your life you need different things.  

This is where taking the time to pause and evaluate where you are and where you are going is important.  

I remember going through a time in my life where I was very shy and self-conscious… I needed to get out of my shell. I realized in order to do that I had to be more open to life, to become more of a YES person. And so I had a little sticker in my Toyota corolla that said ‘yes.’ It was right near the steering wheel so I could always be reminded to consider saying ‘yes’ instead of my default ‘no.’ Slowly my mindset began to shift and I went with the flow of life a lot more and said yes to more things… this is what I needed in that season.

Now I’m in a very different season. I have 2 little kids and lots of ‘kiddie’ events taking place, and so much to get involved in. If I said ‘yes’ to everything now I’d be running in circles. I’m older (and wiser?) and I am more in tune with what I need. I am in a season of doing more things that nourish myself and our family. I weigh up the activites I want to be involved in so I have the energy to also be creative and work on our house and garden, have family time as well as support healthy habits.

The holiday season is a lot about bringing things in… gifts, food, people, Grandma’s shortbread cookies, just to name a few. How full do you already feel?

Before we hurl ourselves into the year ahead it’s worth looking at what we need to remove from our life first. What can we clear away in order to make space for the new things we want to bring in? If you were going to buy new furniture for your home, would you get rid of the old stuff first to make room?

We can just look at nature to see that there is always a renewal process, everything has a cycle of life. Leaves drop, things die and are born. 

How we can unpack some of the emotional and energetic things we carry around with us? How can some of those things die so we can make room for new perspectives, a lighter energy, a freeer way of being? 

Letting go is hard but being free is beautiful.

— wilder

Here are a few prompts for you… a few questions to get you thinking. If you have a pen and paper or journal you can write them down. A couple of these questions are deeper so be prepared to filter through the noise and get into your heart-space.

1. First of all paint a picture in your mind of one thing that you want to achieve. Maybe it’s a wellness goal, or a career goal or maybe you just want to be more steady and grounded with your kids. Write down a few notes about that one thing you want to achieve or be or do.

2. And now ask yourself what do I need to let go of? (It could be ‘stuff’ or an attitude, a bad habit or a person)

3. What is draining you? What or who weighs on your heart or feels heavy?

4. Who do you need to forgive?

These are the things we need to let go of.. and yes it’s hard. But if you can see what is taking up an unhealthy spot in your life it’s time to start to look into yourself at how you can really let it go. Move it out. You are making space.

5. Now write down a few things or people that lift you up! What feels light? What do you look forward to doing? What activities excite you? Who are the people that nourish you?

You probably feel lighter in this moment thinking about those things that lift you up.  Those are the things that support you in the new season with whatever your goals are. That is the energy you want to cultivate more of because it matches the energy of the bigger brighter thing you want to invite into your life.

6. What actions can you take to make space for the things you dream of doing / being / achieving?  

Maybe you need to tidy up your work space or clean out the cupboards, buy a detox kit or remove some activities from your calendar or set up a workout schedule that you can stick to.

Some other very practical ways to make space in your life:

  • Tidy your pantry / kitchen cupboards / fridge.
  • Clean your car.
  • Re-organise the kids toys and donate what they have grown out of.
  • Clean out your closet and donate the clothes you never wear but keep thinking you will.
  • Make boundaries around time spent on social media. Unfollow a few.
  • Tidy and declutter your work space.

Reorganize your outside world. Recalibrate your inside world. While this busy time of year takes place become aware of what isn’t serving you. Take note of what you plan to leave behind in the new year. 

It’s time to clear it out and let it go.

Many of the things above I have been working on as the new year approaches. Already I am feeling lighter. I am also doing a full body detox starting in February.  Get in touch if you’d like to join me!

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  • Denis Chaykowski

    December 31, 2018 at 11:17 am

    Love your letters / articles you send along. This latest new season - clearing / 'exceptional. All the Best in the New Year. Denis

    • Terra
      to Denis Chaykowski

      February 12, 2019 at 10:56 pm

      Thanks Denis! I just saw your comment. Amazing to hear that you are enjoying the articles, it's always nice to get some feedback, and hopefully […] Read MoreThanks Denis! I just saw your comment. Amazing to hear that you are enjoying the articles, it's always nice to get some feedback, and hopefully inspire a few :) Cheers, Terra Read Less

  • Loretta S. Douglas

    December 31, 2018 at 4:34 pm

    Thanks Terra for sharing "New Season Clearing " blog with me. It's such an insightful look at simplifying our lives and decluttering emotionally and […] Read MoreThanks Terra for sharing "New Season Clearing " blog with me. It's such an insightful look at simplifying our lives and decluttering emotionally and physically. The New Year 2019 is almost upon us. I hope I can incorporate even just a few suggestions in my life. Happy New Year to you,Mark & the kids :) Read Less

    • Terra
      to Loretta S. Douglas

      February 12, 2019 at 10:31 pm

      Thank-you for the comment Loretta, glad you enjoyed it and got something out of it!!! That always means the world :) xoxo Terra

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